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Parish Council and Ministries
*Updated December 2021*

Cemetery Committee Chairperson - Deacon Jim Ward 


Education Council Chairperson – Amy Siegmann


Finance Council Chairperson - Tom Shannon 


Liturgy Committee Chairperson - Deb Ward 


Parish Life Committee Chairperson - Donna Mancini 


Pastoral Council Chairperson – Jim Gisseler 


Respect Life Committee Chairperson – Vicki Oleferchik 

847-683-2391 Parish Office 

Stewardship Council Chairperson – Kim Alberth 



Cemetery Committee

Management of our cemetery is handled by the parish office who will contact a 

member of the committee to handle the needs. 

Education Council

A consultative body to the Pastor. The Council is the voice of the parish 

community in educational planning, goal setting and policy development. 

Members of the Council shall be appointed by the Pastor for a term of three years and may serve 2 consecutive years. Meets 4 times per year. 

Finance Council  

The Finance Council meets once per quarter to provide financial 

recommendations to the pastor and approve the annual budget regarding the use of parish funds for both current operations and special projects. It also instrumental in developing recommendations for the pastor on the future needs of the parish and how to finance these needs. Members of the Finance Council are nominated by the Pastor and the current Finance Council members. 

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy Committee assists our priests and other ministers in leading us in worshiping God "in spirit and in truth. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm. 

Parish Life Committee 

Plans, organizes and serves at various social functions held at the parish throughout the year and hosts monthly hospitality after Masses. Meets on the first Thursday evening of the month from September to May. We continue to develop new ideas in order to put our faith in action. 

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council meets to discuss, recommend and coordinate the many functions and activities of the parish. It is the consultative body of the parish whose mission is to carry on the work of the Church, both temporal and spiritual. The Pastoral Council meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. Annually, the Pastor takes recommendations for new members. Members are appointed for a term of three years. 

Respect Life Committee 

The Respect Life Committee is committed to promoting life and to faithfully carrying out the pastoral plan of pro-life activities that will conquer the evil forces of anti-life; enlighten those in error; and build a culture of life from conception to natural death. Meetings are on the first Sunday of each month at 9:10 am. 

Stewardship Council

The Stewardship Council is an advisory board to assist the Pastor in the development and awareness by the Parishioners of the Time, Talent, and Treasure given to them as a gift from God and the need to return a portion of that gift to God through the Church. Stewardship Council meetings are on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:00pm, in the Parish Hall's lower level. 



Participate in 40 hours devotion, weekly Wednesday 9:00 am - Thursday 6:00 pm

Adult Altar Servers

Serve at Thursday Benediction and Mass at 6:00 pm. 

Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion

Assist with Holy Communion. Must be 16 years of age, Confirmed, and attend weekly Mass. One meeting per year. Training four times per year.



Read Sacred Scripture at Mass. Must be 16 years of age and Confirmed, attend Mass weekly, and feel comfortable reading Sacred Scripture. Commit to reading every 6 - 8 weeks. There is one meeting per year. Training for new lectors is held at various times throughout the year. 



7:30 am 

10:30 pm

Must be high school age or older and attend Mass weekly. Serve for one month every 2 -3 months. There will be at least one meeting per year.


Welcome people before and after Mass. No experience is needed, just a smiling face and a welcoming attitude.


Includes both Altar Care and those who minister for our weekend Masses. 

     -Altar Care: Linen care, polishing of vessels and candleholders and flower arranging. Serve one month every 3 - 4 months. There is one meeting per year. 

     -Weekend Mass: Preparing the Gifts for Holy Communion, purifying the vessels after Mass, and ensuring that Liturgical Ministers are present for each Mass. Serve on a regular basis or as a substitute. 

Arts and Environment

Coordinate and purchase altar flower arrangements for all liturgical seasons. 


     Cantors - lead the assembly in song 

Adult Choir Participate with assembly in singing or playing an instrument at Mass. 

     Praise Team - Contemporary music group that leads the Praise and Worship Masses at 10:30AM on the 2nd Sunday of the month, September-June. Both Vocalists and musicians welcome. 

     Instrumentalists- Are needed for enhancing music worship during services throughout the year. Experience and ability to read music or chord charts is required. 

     Children's Choir - sings during the 7:30am mass year-round 

Religious Formation

Baptismal Preparation

The team provides instruction/review of the sacrament of Baptism to the parents and Godparents through a class once per month. 

Marriage Building Ministry

A family and marriage support ministry. Host monthly wedding weekends. 

Marriage Preparation

Married couples prepare engaged couples for marriage by leading a discussion of the areas and values critical to a successful marriage (support materials provided). 


Catechists, substitute catechists and classroom aides needed for the yearly instruction of the children of our parish, Grade levels K - Confirmation. Weekly commitment. Enrichment seminars offered throughout the year. 

Catechist (Teacher) OR Substitute Catechist 

RE Support 

Classroom Aide 

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

Sponsor: Adults needed who will sponsor a candidate for full entrance into the Church. Fall to Spring weekly commitment. Must be a faithful, practicing Catholic. 

Team Member: Helps the catechists to facilitate discussion among the catechumens/candidates and their sponsors. They are expected to make all the classes (except in special cases) from September to the beginning of May. Team Members are appointed and approved by the RCIA director and pastor. 

Prayer Warriors: Prays for the catechumens and candidates knowing that God’s grace is essential for one wanting to follow God. All parishioners who have a strong prayer life and are practicing Catholics are encouraged to become a prayer warrior. Prayer warriors are eventually assigned a particular catechumen or candidate. 

Youth Ministry

Opportunity to work with the youth of our parish in both Junior High and High School levels. Meet every month and coordinate programs and service projects. 

Parish Support

Building & Grounds Maintenance - Parish Office 847-683-2391 

Provide support to parish for various basic building needs and small jobs.


Cemetery Administration/Maintenance- Deacon Jim Ward 847-366-8898

For purchasing plots or any management information, provides grounds maintenance several times per year, as required. 


Money Counter 

Count weekly offerings once per month on Monday morning


Professional Consultants - Parish Office, 847-683-2391

Support parish for specific special needs.


Funeral Reception - Funeral receptions are offered as a service to our SCB families following Christian burial Masses. Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver food items to the Parish Hall on the day of the funeral. The committee leaders will make calls to make food items and help as needed. 


Light of the World (LOTW) 

Parish retreat offered once a year. An opportunity for anyone interested in developing a closer relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Inspirational witnesses, quiet, reflective prayer time and a chance to experience your faith in a new way. Past retreatants are encouraged to assist in future retreats.

Cursillo Participant 

Cursillos in Christianity is a movement that enables the essential 

realities of the Christian to come to life in the uniqueness, originality, and creativity of each person. 

WINE Women In the New Evangelization

Is a creative and inspired ministry to invigorate women’s groups and parishes through encouraging, supporting, and nurturing women in the Catholic faith by equipping and mobilizing women as intentional disciples of Christ. 



Offer comfort and guidance to survivors in the loss of a loved one. 

Compassionate Care Ministry

Take Holy Communion to the homebound/sick and/or take Holy Communion to the nursing home. 

Food Pantry - Barbara Brust

Assist with monthly food distribution dates.

Assist with truck delivery 2nd Friday of each month at 8am.


Giving Tree

This ministry is for the months of November and December only. Help is needed to coordinate making tags and hanging them on our tree in the back of church. More help is needed at the collection date and distribution date, in mid-December.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Members meet first and third Thursday mornings, 9:00-12:00, to create blessed prayer shawls for those in need. Will teach crocheting or knitting to anyone interested. All are welcome. 

Rosary Makers

Meet first and third Thursday mornings, 9:00-12:00, to make rosaries for various occasions and uses throughout the year. Members can also make rosaries at home. 

Prayer Tree Ministry

Provide prayer support for those in need through email notification. 

Golden Agers

Social group for those 50 years and older


Faithlink Newsletter – Annette Palazzolo, 

Provide articles and/or support for the quarterly newsletter 

Website Management/Web Design - Bobby Fandel, 

(224) 806-3297,


Catholic Order of Foresters  

A nationwide fraternal organization offering friendship, assistance and mutual support of families. 

Knights of Columbus

The brotherhood formed by this council are dedicated to the greatest glory of God and the strengthening and advancement of the family, being united in support of the Church, parish, pastor and all of its members. If you are male, 18 years or older, and a Catholic in good standing, please join us. 

St. Vincent DePaul Society

Members attend monthly meetings and visit people of our community, assisting them as their needs dictate. 

PSO – 

The Parent School Organization enlists the spiritual, educational and social resources of home and school to support the best Catholic Education possible. This group provides fundraising and volunteer services while promoting our school within the parish and community at large. Parent volunteers of schoolchildren support the group and sign up is through the school. 

Special Events and Activities to serve on and 

participate in during the year 

Contact the Parish Office for more details, 847-683-2391 

Bible Study - weekly groups meeting at various times of the day. 

Cemetery Clean Up Day - Assist with outdoor maintenance work one day in spring.

 Catholic Order of Foresters Bus Trips - Seniors travel monthly for fun and fellowship.


Jesus Day - Assist once a year with the Second Grade Communion classes as they prepare for their First Holy Communion. 

Knights of Columbus Events - Open to all parishioners 

St. Joseph’s Day Table - Sunday meal offered in March, food preparers and servers needed to provide hospitality. 

Women’s Brunch - Spring brunch with a special guest speaker 


St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church is a parish in the Rockford Diocese of Illinois, serving under the faithful leadership of The Most Reverend David Malloy, Bishop.  Our parish has a rich history with our 125th Anniversary celebrated in 2001.  We have approximately 900 families registered in our parish.  Our parish school is a gem in this rural yet rapidly expanding village.  We invite you to meet our pastor, our staff and read about the events that brought us to this special time in history.



297 E. Jefferson St.

Hampshire, IL 60140


288 Jefferson St.

Hampshire, IL 60140

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