St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
Hampshire, Il

Welcome to Family Faith Formation!
The Religious Education programs of St. Charles Borromeo Parish are attentive to the spiritual formation of all members of the parish faith community. At every level, we focus on catechesis, fellowship, service and prayer. As a parish we welcome the people of God; we fulfill our baptismal promise to teach about God in the Catholic tradition; we encourage our community to live the Gospel in service to one another; and we celebrate together as one family in prayer and sacrament.
Family Faith Formation
Jan Olson - Director of Religious Education (DRE)
297 E. Jefferson Street
Hampshire IL 60140
Phone: 847-683-1536
Fax: 847-683-2396
email: janolson@scbparish.org
Family Faith Formation
2024/25 School Year
Family Sessions begin on Sunday, September 15, 2024
Sessions end in May 2025.
In class learning is 14 Sundays, 8:45 – 10:15am
Families in Pre K through 8 - Meet at our parish school/Calendar will be provided.
Explore The Mass – Once a month from each family for the calendar year. Explore the Mass whether you attend in person or online as a family/ submit form
Parents will teach chapters to their children on the off weeks. Calendar will be provided.
Parent Sessions run at the same time in person class is running.
For Students in grades 1,3,4,&5: OSV Curriculum with a catechist in the classroom and online chapter reviews for the off weeks.
For Students in PreK and K: Catecheses of the Good Shepard is done in the classeoom. At home sheet for off weeks provided.
For Students in grades 6, 7, & 8 (Year 1 Confirmation): Saint reports will be completed and presented. Social night each month is to be attended.
For Families: Activities that will help our families rediscover our faith in new ways.
For Parents: Will vieww Youtube videos and have small groups and guest speakers at some sessions.
Explore The Mass – Once a month from each family for the calendar year. Explore the Mass when attend in person as a family and submit form once a month.
To enroll for the 2024/25 school year
1. The registration form to enroll your family is available online and in the back of the Church.
2. The registration form is available on the parish website. The form can only be viewed and printed – you can also enroll online at this link: https://rockford.parishsoftfamilysuite.com/Secure/Member/MyFamily/Default.aspx
Enrolling Your Family
1. Complete both sides of the registration form and submit, along with payment, to the RE office.
a. Please include an e-mail address.
b. A minimum of 50% is due at the time of enrollment.
(Enrollment cannot be accepted without payment.)
c. Submit the form and payment via:
Mail to: 297 E. Jefferson Avenue in Hampshire IL 60140
Attention: Jan Olson/RE Office
**Please note: All tuition and book fees from 2023/24 must be paid in full before enrollment for the new school year will be accepted.
If you are experiencing hardship conditions, please contact Father Finn
847-683-2931 (ext. 17) to discuss options.
Sacramental Preparation Years
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
(Celebrated during the second grade.)
Enrollment in 1st and 2nd grades is required to celebrate these sacraments.
2nd grade will be taught in two class sessions a month: classes will be held on Sunday mornings with a catechist.
Celebration occurs at the end of the year.Confirmation is a 2 year process for 8th through 12th grades. In this year the students will enter into the Mystery of the Sacraments, ministry and service. Freshman year consists of 16 sessions and a Retreat. An enrollment form can be found online.
9th-12th Grade Confirmation only - meets at the Dumoulin Farms
1. Two Wednesdays a month, 7:00–8:30pm
2. Chapters and videos are done at home on the off weeks.
3. A Calendar will be provided with class dates.
What does Family Faith Formation look like?
A parish-based program that enriches the faith of the entire family
Twice a month grades pre-k through 8th will come to the parish with their parents (at least one): Parents will hear from speakers while the kids go to their own faith formation class
2x a month, parents will do at home lessons with their family (30-45 minute lessons in place of weekly Religious Education)
Seasonal activities will be an opportunity to bring all families together! From family Adoration, to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a Family Living Rosary, Movie Night and more!
Why Family Faith Formation?
Studies show that parents are the MOST IMPORTANT element in a child’s faith-life. This is why the Church asks parents, at their child’s Baptism, to accept the responsibility of forming their child in the practice of the faith. Family Faith Formation is designed to give you the tools and confidence to live that promise!
Family Faith Formation will allow the parents to experience community in the parish, find support among other Catholic parents, and learn, experience, and grow in their own faith along with their children!
Is it hard to get here every week? Family Faith Formation gives YOU the flexibility you need to deepen your family’s faith together at a time most convenient for YOU.
The adult Faith enrichment portion with speakers is open to all adults in our parish which will help develop greater community.